To learn more about Dr. Sherman’s cancer path and the legacy that she is creating with her workshops and books, watch this video!
The Story: Healing on the levels of mind, body, emotions, and spirit.
Dr. Paulette Sherman is a psychologist, coach, author and breast cancer survivor. In 2012 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiation for a year. She learned a lot from this experience about healing on the levels of mind, body, emotions and spirit and wanted to share this wisdom with other women going through this journey.
As a result, she wrote a 4 book series called The Cancer Path to help breast cancer survivors at different points along their path. She also does counseling, cancer coaching and tele-classes for people who want support.
Dr. Sherman is donating her cancer books to at least 25 cancer libraries and has offered a free workshop to cancer survivors based upon her upcoming workbook, ‘Create Your Own Cancer Path.’
She practices out of Manhattan but is available internationally for phone coaching, media interviews or speaking engagements about viewing illness as a spiritual path.
Please use the contact form if you are interested in counseling, coaching or speaking services.
Book reviews:
“Everyone wonders how they would confront cancer, should they develop it. Let Paulette Sherman be your guide. This is an inspiring account of her experience of breast cancer demonstrating courage, wisdom, resilience, and insight, told with love, compassion, and understanding.”
~ Larry Dossey, MD
“Paulette Sherman writes her beautiful story of healing, resilience and love. Read this book and discover how to conquer even your worst fears with love.” -Eva Selhub, MD Author of, THE LOVE RESPONSE
“When we can love our fate and learn from our journey through hell, in one form or another, we become life coaches for others.Paulette’s experience can help guide you through the journey into cancer land and help you to find the path which will guide you out and learn how to be a survivor.” -Bernie Siegel, MD Author of FAITH, HOPE & HEALING and HELP ME TO HEAL
“One does not know cancer until you experience it. The initial fear of the unknown shocks you into isolation and helpless. I understand this as the husband of a breast cancer survivor. And I also know that the courage from our spiritual nature brings hope and the resolve to fight. Paulette Sherman has described this beautifully in her struggle and victory. Her story of fear, spiritual healing, love and mind/body interventions is an outstanding plan for those in need.” -Dr. James D Baird Author of HAPPINESS GENES
“The Cancer Path is more than one woman’s journey through cancer; it is the most thorough guide I’ve ever read about navigating the cancer experience. This is the book I wish I’d had to guide me when I went through the cancer experience myself.” -Randy Peyser Author of The Little Book of Big Epiphanies andBald Courage.
“There has never been a more thoroughly written book on breast cancer. Paulette has detailed not only the real life experience of living with and surviving the cancer but also outlines in detail all the options available to women as they search for the best options.” -Dr. John Salerno, The Salerno Center Author of The Silver Cloud Diet.
“Dr. Paulette Sherman demonstrates the power of spirituality and inner wisdom in dealing with difficult challenges in life. Illness is a spiritual journey and Paulette’s experience is an inspiring witness to the power of spirituality in each person’s life—in health and in illness. The book should be read by health professional students, for it reminds all caregivers to honor the whole person—mind, body and spirit.” -Christina M. Puchalski, MD Physician Author of Time for Listening and Caring and Making Healthcare Whole Professor of Medicine, Director, The George Washington University’s Institute for Spirituality and Health (GWish)
“Paulette Sherman’s moving story about her new life after cancer inspires all cancer survivors and, what is more, gives all of us powerful ideas and tools – like yoga – for handling any challenge in life.” – Tari Prinster, a cancer survivor and yoga teacher Author Yoga Prescription: Using Yoga to Reclaim Your Life During and After Cancer Founder of yoga4cancer and The Retreat Project
“As a physician, I have great admiration for people such as Paulette Sherman, who continue to live their best life despite their personal health obstacles and work hard to support others facing similar circumstances. I am so inspired by Paulette’s courage and positive energy, her resilience and ability to take all her challenges in stride. Her step by step, holistic approach is sure to be immensely helpful to those struggling to cope with a diagnosis of cancer.” -Karen Levine-Tanco MD Beth Israel Hospital
“With the understanding befitting a psychologist and the chatty tone of your best friend, Sherman empowers her readers! Comprehensive, creative, practical and rich with resources, The Cancer Path offers something for everyone!” -Susan Silberstein, PhD Author of Hungry for Health and Hungrier for HealthFounder Center for Advancement in Cancer Education
“Paulette was able to describe with a lot of sentiment her experience in the dramatic situation of breast cancer. She was able to transform the sadness of this experience into a positive feeling that she can transmit to other women in the same condition.” -Dr. Virgilio Sacchini Breast Surgeon Sloan Kettering Hospital
“For most of my life I have taught about the ‘dark night of the soul’ and how each and every person goes through this transformational process at least once per lifetime in one form or another. Paulette Kouffman Sherman has been through this process in the form of cancer and survived to tell about it. There are only two ways we can all go through our ‘dark night’…the easy way or the hard way; The Cancer Path: A Spiritual Journey into Healing, Wholeness & Love offers the reader some clear and insightful methods for turning even the most difficult path into a journey of love, healing, and personal mastery.” -Michael Mirdad Bestselling Author of Healing the Heart & Soul and You’re Not Going Crazy . . . You’re Just Waking Up!